sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010


El Gran Oriente de los Estados Unidos:
(The Grand Orient of the United States:

por Javier Otaola

Gran Oriente de los Estados Unidos de América

The new Grand Orient of the United States of America's website says:

The Grand Orient of the United States of America is a continuation of the Masonic traditions began by brothers such as Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis De Lafayette. Our lineage can be traced back through the Grand Orient of France to the original speculative Grand Lodge of London that was established in 1717. These traditions and ideas are at the very core of Enlightenment thinking that eventually resulted in the freedoms enjoyed by every American today.

We hold true to these beliefs:
That every man is endowed with certain inalienable rights
That peace and harmony among human beings is only possible where there exists a separation between church and state
That absolute freedom of conscience is an essential element in the pursuit of happiness among all peoples
That all human beings are created equal and that equality is fundamental to democracy and freedom
What is today the Grand Orient of the United States of America began on December 27th, 2005; several lodges declared their independence from the 'Antient' Masonic system and formed a confederation of sovereign lodges under the banner of United Grand Lodge of America. In so doing, they sought to restore Modern Free-Masonry to the American continent and return to the traditional Enlightenment and cosmopolitan ideals expressed in the original Craft. This event allowed the original streams of Masonic thought still existing in Europe to once again flow freely into lodges in America.

In November of 2007, several more lodges declared their independence from the 'Antient' Masonic system and the Council of the Order was convened to formalize our relationship with our brethren in France and throughout Europe. The Council voted unanimously to change the name of the United Grand Lodge of America to the Grand Orient of the United States of America to better and more precisely identify it with the existing currents of Modern Free-Masonry throughout the world.

The Grand Orient of the United States of America is a masculine Masonic obedience that works together with the mixed-gender obedience lodges operating under George Washington Union throughout the United States. Together, these two systems represent the most liberal and progressive form of Freemasonry in America, which is open to all people regardless of race, creed, or sex.

Our aim is the brotherhood of all humanity through a universal chain of union extending around the globe. If you are already with us in spirit then you are welcome to join with us in Masonic lodges throughout the world.
Publicado por Saki en 01:19
Etiquetas: Grand Orient of the Uniterd States of America


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